Revitalize Your Sleep: How to Clean Pillows in Bathtub

Ever woke up with a stuffy nose, itchy eyes or just not feeling rested? Believe it or not, the culprit might be right under your head. That’s right – your pillow! We often overlook pillows when cleaning our bedding but they can harbor dust mites and allergens that disrupt our sleep.

No special equipment is necessary to make pillows clean again – just roll up your sleeves and learn how to do it in a bathtub! Just roll up your sleeves because we’re going to dive into how to clean pillows in bathtub. Yes, you read that correctly!

No washing machine? No problem! Cleaning pillows in the bathtub is an easy and effective way of removing dirt and bacteria without damaging delicate materials. By the end of this guide, you’ll know exactly how to refresh those fluffy companions for a healthier sleep environment.

Come on then; let’s make some waves!

Table Of Contents:

The Importance of Cleaning Pillows

Keeping pillows clean isn’t just a routine task; it’s an absolute necessity for staying healthy. Over time, pillows can become a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria. In fact, they’re often home to allergens that can trigger sneezes and stuffy noses during the night.

The Impact of Dirty Pillows on Health

Pillows aren’t just fluffy clouds you rest your head on every night—they’re actually collectors of dust, dirt, and bacteria. They may seem harmless but don’t be fooled. The accumulation of these particles over time can seriously affect your health.

Think about this: do you want to lay your head down in a garden full of unwanted microorganisms? Probably not. And yet many people unknowingly do exactly that when they hit the sack each evening because their pillows are packed with irritants.

Dust mites thrive in such environments, feasting on dead skin cells we shed while sleeping. A study from The Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology showed these tiny critters could lead to allergies or even worsen asthma symptoms.

Cleaning Pillow Savvy

To combat these microscopic invaders effectively requires some pillow-cleaning savvy. It all starts by understanding how best to clean different types – like whether washing machine or hand-washing would suit them better. For instance, most standard pillows made out fabric fillings allow gentle cycle wash with hot water and minimal detergent quantity in machines as per manufacturer’s instructions.

But others need special attention—think those filled with foam or delicate materials—and that’s where our bathtub comes in handy.

Soaking and hand-washing these delicate pillows can be done comfortably in a spacious bathtub. It provides enough room for the pillow to move around, ensuring every inch gets cleaned.

Key Takeaway: 

Regular pillow cleaning isn’t just about freshness, it’s a health essential. Pillows often harbor dust mites and bacteria that can impact your sleep quality and overall wellbeing. Knowing how to properly clean different types of pillows—whether in the washing machine or by hand in the bathtub—can help combat these microscopic invaders.

Why Clean Pillows in the Bathtub?

Cleaning pillows can be a tricky task, especially if they’re not machine-safe and are made of materials other than foam. The solution? Your bathtub. It’s spacious, easily accessible, and perfect for hand-washing.

Most pillows can handle a spin in the washing machine on the gentle cycle with hot water and a smidge of detergent. But some stubborn types need more tender loving care. That’s where your tub steps up to bat.

The Beauty of Space

In contrast to washing machines or sinks, bathtubs offer plenty of space for pillow cleaning shenanigans. This is particularly handy when dealing with large or multiple pillows that won’t fit elsewhere.

A roomy tub allows you to clean several pillows at once without cramping their style – literally. They have enough space to float around freely while soaking up all that sudsy goodness from your chosen cleaning agent.

Better Control Over Cleaning Process

Cleaning your beloved cushions in the bathtub gives you greater control over every stage of the process: from pre-soaking and scrubbing right through rinsing off any soap residue.

This way you ensure no spots are missed out – it’s like giving each pillow its own personal spa treatment.

Pillow-Friendly Approach

Let’s face it; washing machines can sometimes get rougher than an agitated porcupine during molting season (which isn’t great news for delicate items).

Your precious non-foam pillows might require a gentler touch — something that only manual wash could give. In this case, bathing them gently in warm water mixed with mild detergent could do wonders by removing accumulated dirt effectively yet gently.

Also, hand-washing pillows in the bathtub can emulate the kneading action of a washing machine. So your beloved cushions get thoroughly cleaned without taking a beating.

Saving Energy and Water

Not only is washing pillows in the tub gentle on your cushions, but it’s also kind to Mother Earth. You see, unlike machines that gulp down water even for tiny loads, you just use enough water to dunk them.

Key Takeaway: 

Cleaning pillows in the bathtub isn’t just about being kind to those that aren’t machine-safe. It’s also a practical, effective way of refreshing multiple or large cushions at once without any missed spots. Plus, it’s gentler on your pillows and better for Mother Earth as you use less water.

Preparing Your Pillows for Bathtub Cleaning

Cleaning your pillows isn’t just about tossing them into a tub of water. It’s an art that starts with proper preparation. And guess what? The process is easier than you think.

The first step to cleaning your pillow in the bathtub is removing its cover, if it has one. Pillow covers are typically easy to wash and protect the inner filling from dirt and stains.

Pillow Cover Removal

A simple unzip or unbutton will do the trick here. Just remember not to rush this part – you don’t want any accidental rips or tears. After all, they’re meant to guard against grime but aren’t indestructible.

If there’s no cover on your pillow, don’t worry. You can still clean it effectively following these instructions.

Spot-Cleaning Stains Beforehand

Stains on pillows can be stubborn adversaries that refuse defeat even after a good soak in warm water and detergent mix. But we have a secret weapon – spot-cleaning before washing.

To pre-treat stains, simply apply some stain remover directly onto them then gently rub using a cloth until they start fading away (remember our key stat: Spot-clean any stains on pillows with a pre-treatment before washing). This initial attack weakens those hard-to-get-out spots making the main battle in the tub much easier.

Removing Loose Debris

Your pillow might harbor invisible guests like dust mites who love feasting on dead skin cells (gross.). Even though most won’t survive washing, giving your pillow some vigorous shakes outdoors beforehand helps evict such unwelcome squatters early so fewer get washed down your drain later – win-win.

So, get ready to rumble with those pillows. A few strong shakes should do the trick. Be gentle though – we’re cleaning them, not punishing them.

Pillow Washing Instructions

Alright, the groundwork is complete. Now comes the big moment: giving your pillow a good scrub in the tub. But hold on – did you double-check that tag on your pillow?

Key Takeaway: 

Getting your pillows squeaky clean starts with careful preparation. Begin by removing any covers, then spot-clean stubborn stains to give them a head start in the wash. Give your pillow a good shake outdoors to rid it of loose debris and dust mites before you get down to business in the bathtub.

Steps to Clean Pillows in the Bathtub

Getting your pillows sparkling clean doesn’t require a high-tech washing machine. Your trusty bathtub can do just as good a job. Here’s how you can turn your tub into an effective cleaning station for those comfy cushions.

Soaking Your Pillow

To kick off the process, fill up your bathtub with warm water. Add enough laundry detergent to create suds that make the bath look like it’s ready for a bubble party.

Toss in one or two pillows at once and let them soak. This isn’t a quick dip; think of it more like their day at the spa – they need to be fully immersed for about 30 minutes. The warm water mixed with detergent works wonders on loosening dirt and sweat accumulated over time.

Kneading is next – imagine you’re massaging out all of their stress (and stains). Mimic what a washing machine does during its cycle: press down on each pillow repeatedly until every bit has been subjected to this soothing pressure therapy.

Rinsing Your Pillow

A proper rinse follows, and it’s arguably as important as soaking if not more so because this step ensures no soap residue lingers behind causing skin irritation later on.

The rinsing process needs patience but don’t worry, we’ve got some tricks up our sleeve. Replace sudsy water with clear, cool liquid from your faucet then submerge and squeeze each pillow again just like when kneading but this time visualizing all soap getting squeezed out instead of stress.

Nope, we’re not done yet. Repeat these steps twice or even thrice until you are confident that there’s absolutely no trace of soap left behind—each rinse cycle gets us closer to achieving squeaky clean pillows.

These easy steps transform your tub from just a spot to scrub up, into a haven where your cherished pillows rediscover their freshness and bounce. Patience is crucial here—from soaking to kneading, all the way through rinsing until no soap lingers. This doesn’t only guarantee cleanliness but also extends pillow lifespan because let’s be honest—finding that ideal pillow wasn’t an overnight job.

Key Takeaway: 

Reviving your pillows’ freshness is simpler than you think. Turn your bathtub into a cleaning haven with warm water, laundry detergent, and some patience. Soak them well, knead out the dirt and sweat like they’re at a spa day. Rinse thoroughly to banish any soap residue that could irritate skin later on. Repeat until squeaky clean.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Agents

When it comes to cleaning pillows in your bathtub, selecting the right agents is crucial. Your choice of cleaner can make a world of difference in how fresh and clean your pillow feels afterwards.

Using Laundry Detergent

Have you pondered if just laundry detergent is sufficient? Indeed, a good quality liquid laundry detergent like Tide, which was featured in a viral TikTok video where someone washed their pillows using this method, can work wonders on most fabric types.

This common household product cuts through grime effectively. However, be sure not to overdo it with the quantity; too much soap will require extra rinsing time to get rid of all residue.

The Role of Baking Soda

Besides Tide or other similar detergents, baking soda serves as an excellent odor remover when washing pillows. If you’ve ever had that musty smell lingering on your bedding even after washing them, then you’ll appreciate what baking soda brings to the table – or rather tub.

Mix some baking soda into warm water before adding your pillow for soaking – but remember not every pillow likes being soaked. Check care labels first.

A Little More about Stain Removers and Disinfectants

In addition to these staples found in almost any home’s cleaning arsenal: liquid laundry detergent and baking soda (also known as washing soda), stain removers play an essential role too.

An effective one such as Oxi Clean Stain Remover has been proven successful according to that same TikTok user who used it along with Tide detergent while bathing her fluffy friends. Oxi Clean works on stubborn stains that ordinary detergents may leave behind.

If you’re keen on disinfecting your pillows, then Clorox Disinfecting Bleach, another star of the viral TikTok video, could be a great addition to your cleaning mix.

Key Takeaway: 

When it comes to washing pillows in the tub, your choice of cleaners is crucial. A top-notch liquid laundry soap like Tide can slice through dirt effectively, while baking soda works wonders for getting rid of smells. But remember, don’t go overboard with the soap and always peek at care labels before you dunk them in water. Got some tough stains? Give Oxi Clean Stain Remover a shot and think about using Clorox Disinfecting.

Drying and Fluffing Pillows after Bathtub Cleaning

Once you’ve completed washing your pillows in the bathtub, it’s time to begin drying them. Before putting them in the dryer or hanging out to air-dry, there are some important points to remember.

Firstly, always check your pillow labels for drying instructions. Not all pillows can handle machine drying—especially those with delicate materials like down feathers. If your pillow doesn’t permit machine drying, no need to fret. You can use a dry towel instead.

Using Dry Towels for Pillow Drying

A good old-fashioned method of drying involves wrapping each wet pillow individually in a clean dry towel as tightly as possible. The aim here is to absorb any excess moisture left from our bathtub cleaning spree.

To do this effectively, lay your wet pillow on an open towel and roll it up snugly like sushi (pillow-sushi anyone?). Press gently but firmly along the length of this ‘roll’ to help soak up water into the towel; then unroll and set aside somewhere well-ventilated to air-dry completely.

Pillow Drying Using Tennis Balls or Dryer Balls

If your pillows are safe for machine-drying (again—check those tags.), here comes my favorite part: tennis balls.

You’re probably wondering what tennis has got to do with laundry day—but hear me out. Adding a few tennis balls or commercial dryer balls inside while tumble-drying can be hugely beneficial. It may sound silly but trust me—it works wonders.

The tennis balls bounce around, hitting against the pillows and breaking up any clumps in their stuffing. This action fluffs them back to life after their warm bathtub soak, keeping them soft and comfy as ever.

So why not make use of those forgotten tennis balls lying in your garage? Or if you’re like me without a sporting bone—grab some dryer balls from the store or online. Either way—it’s an easy trick that makes a big difference.

Air Drying Pillows

If machine-drying isn’t for you (or your pillow), air drying is another great option.

Key Takeaway: 

After washing pillows in the bathtub, getting them dry is key. Check labels for drying instructions as not all can be machine-dried. Wrap wet pillows tightly in a towel to absorb moisture then let air-dry completely. If your pillow allows machine drying, use tennis balls or dryer balls to break up clumps and fluff stuffing.

How Often Should You Clean Pillows?

The question of how often to clean pillows is a bit like asking how long you can wait between haircuts. The frequency of cleaning your pillows depends on several elements, such as the kind and how much it’s being used. But unlike your hairstyle, this isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s also about health.

Tiny critters that thrive in warm, humid conditions can be found residing in your pillow if it’s not cleaned regularly – like a luxurious apartment with all the comforts included. Your pillow provides an ideal home for them if not cleaned regularly—like a plush high-rise apartment with all amenities included. These unwanted guests aren’t exactly great company; they’re known to trigger allergies and worsen asthma symptoms.

A dirty pillow might seem harmless but consider this: every night you rest your head on it for hours at a stretch. It collects sweat, oil from our skin and hair—all adding up over time to create an environment ripe for bacteria growth.

Frequency Depends on Pillow Type

Some types need more frequent cleaning than others due to their material or construction. For instance, down or feather pillows require less washing compared with synthetic fillings because natural materials tend not to retain moisture as much—a property these small loads love.

If left unattended for too long though even the highest quality goose down will start looking—and smelling—less appealing.

Pillow Usage Matters Too

If you’re someone who uses their pillows strictly for sleep purposes without eating or drinking in bed (kudos.), then cleaning them once every six months should suffice.

But let’s face it – life happens around us all the time causing changes in routines which may mean needing more regular washes depending upon circumstances such as illness flu season pets kids etcetera.

Your Personal Comfort And Hygiene Preferences Play A Role As Well

Some people simply can’t stand the thought of laying their heads on a pillow that hasn’t been washed in months, even if it’s not visibly dirty. For them, monthly or bi-monthly cleaning may be necessary to maintain peace of mind and comfort.

But hey, as long as you’re swapping out your pillowcases every week to cut down on dirt, giving your pillows a good wash every three to six months should do the trick.

Key Takeaway: 

Keeping your pillows clean isn’t just for aesthetics—it’s vital for your health. Pillows can harbor dust mites and bacteria, potentially aggravating allergies and asthma. The cleaning schedule varies based on pillow type, how often it’s used, and individual comfort levels—some might need a wash more frequently than others.

Professional Pillow Cleaning Services

Not everyone enjoys the idea of cleaning their pillows in a bathtub. For those who prefer to leave the task to professionals, there are reliable services available like Molly Maid.

Molly Maid has built a reputation over years for their top-notch cleaning services. But did you know they also specialize in pillow care? They do.

Their team of experts is trained to handle different types of pillows and fabrics. This means whether your pillow is filled with down feathers or synthetic fibers, it will get the care it needs without any damage.

To get started with Molly Maid’s professional service, all you need to do is request an estimate online. Fill out the form on their website and someone from their team will reach out soon with an estimated cost for your job.

A Look at Professional Pillow Cleaning Process

So what happens when you hand over your beloved sleep accessory to these pros?

The process begins by assessing each pillow individually. They take note of stains, fabric type, filling material – everything. Based on this assessment they devise a customized plan tailored specifically for each pillow.

In some cases where stubborn stains refuse budging from conventional methods – fear not. The pros have tricks up their sleeves using special equipment and stain removal agents which are gentle yet effective.

Pillow Maintenance Tips Post-Cleaning

  • Treat spills immediately: If something spills onto your freshly cleaned pillows (or any time), blot it right away rather than letting it sit and seep into deeper layers.
  • Frequent fluffing: Fluff your pillows every day to keep them in shape and prevent any buildup of dirt or dust.
  • Adding a pillow protector can help guard against dust, spills and allergens. Plus they are easy to wash regularly.

Wrapping up, if washing pillows in a tub doesn’t sound like your cup of tea – don’t forget about Molly Maid. They’re prepared to give a helping hand.

Key Takeaway: 

Not into DIY pillow cleaning? No problem. Services like Molly Maid offer professional care for all types of pillows. They’ll assess each one, tackle stubborn stains, and give you tips to maintain cleanliness post-cleaning. Remember: blot spills immediately, fluff daily, and use a protective cover.

Maintaining Clean Pillows

Keeping your pillows clean between washes is a must-do, and not as tricky as it might sound. To ensure your pillows remain clean, here are some useful tips.

Using Pillow Covers

Pillow covers play a crucial role in maintaining pillow hygiene. They’re like bodyguards for your beloved headrests, fending off dust mites and allergens.

Opting for pillow covers made from materials such as cotton or bamboo can be beneficial because they allow breathability while still offering protection against dirt buildup. And remember to change these out every week.

Regular Vacuum

A vacuum isn’t just for floors. A regular vacuuming session with an upholstery attachment helps keep those pesky particles at bay, contributing to keeping pillows clean over time.

Gently run the vacuum across all surfaces of the pillow – don’t forget about edges where debris tends to hideout. Do this weekly if possible; however, bi-weekly will suffice too depending on how much use the pillow gets.

The Role of a Damp Cloth

In-between deep cleans, using a damp cloth could also do wonders in helping maintain overall freshness by picking up any surface grime that has settled onto fabric fibers throughout daily usage – think drool spots or makeup stains which aren’t always visible but definitely present nonetheless.

In addition to these methods, there’s one more tip I’d like to give: Avoid eating near them whenever possible since crumbs easily find their way into crevices causing unwanted smells over time.

With little effort put towards upkeep, we guarantee fresher smelling (and healthier.) nights’ rest, so why wait? Start implementing these habits today.

Please note: These tips are meant as supplementary measures alongside regularly washing the entire cushion itself every three months minimum – refer back to previous sections for detailed instructions on how to properly clean pillows in the bathtub.

Happy cleaning.

Key Takeaway: 

Keep your pillows fresh and allergen-free by using protective covers, vacuuming regularly, wiping with a damp cloth between deep cleans, and avoiding eating nearby to prevent crumbs from settling in. Remember to wash the entire pillow every three months at least for optimal cleanliness. Your reward? A healthier sleep environment.

FAQs in Relation to How to Clean Pillows in Bathtub

Can I wash my pillow in the bathtub?

Absolutely, you can. If your pillows aren’t foam or machine-safe, washing them in a tub with warm water and mild detergent is a good option.

What can I soak my pillows in to clean them?

You can soak your pillows in a mix of warm water, laundry detergent, and baking soda. This combo will help lift stains and eliminate odors.

How do you clean yellow pillows in the bathtub?

To banish those pesky yellow spots from your pillow, try soaking it first with a mixture of hot water and an oxygen-based bleach before kneading gently.

What is the best way to wash my pillows?

The best method varies depending on pillow type. Most are safe for machine washing while others may need hand-washing either sink-side or tub-side with appropriate cleaning agents.


There you have it, folks! We’ve just explored the nitty-gritty of how to clean pillows in bathtub.

This guide should help you keep your pillows fresh and allergen-free. Remember that a cleaner pillow means better sleep and improved health.

We’ve discussed why cleaning is essential, how often we need to do it, the role of baking soda, effective rinsing process, and maintaining cleanliness between washes.

Cleaning might seem like a chore but think about the sweet dreams waiting for you on those freshly cleaned pillows!

If DIY isn’t your style or time doesn’t permit – there are professional services ready to lend a hand. Stay healthy by keeping things clean!